The country needs the extra of the workers of Sancti Spiritus to increase the productive indexes of the territory and get closer to the demands of the population, said Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and general secretary of the Workers’ Central Union of Cuba (
) at the beginning of the second plenary session of the Provincial Conference 22nd Congress of the workers’ organization in Sancti Spiritus.
«Our Workers’ Congress will be successful if we, the trade union leaders, mobilize the productive reserves and ensure an enterprising, creative business management, which presupposes an effective link with the non-state management,» stressed the highest representative of the Cuban workers.
He emphasized the recovery of the agricultural and livestock sectors and of key sectors in the productive scenario of the territory, such as the rice and livestock sectors.
Marianelis Pacheco, delegate of the municipality of La Sierpe, spoke of her experience working in a rice production base and the commitment to gradually reverse the decline of this sector in the areas of the Empresa Agroindustrial Sur del Jíbaro.
«They are looking for alternatives to increase production by linking up with non-state management. They are applying new payment systems and combating crop theft, which has such a negative impact on the productivity of rice fields.”
Guilarte De Nacimiento urged the generalization of the projection of Empresa Agropecuaria Venegas in the rescue of livestock, the expansion of its purpose to various crops and the community projection of the entity located in the municipality of Yaguajay.
The objective is to ensure the growth of volumes that allow to satisfy the urgent needs of the people and to conceive a solution to the food perspective with a growing productive response that guarantees the supply of the demands of the population, said the labor leader.

Regarding the incidence of bankization in the non-payment of wages to workers in several areas of the province, a recurring issue during the conference, the CTC General Secretary pointed out that no one has the right to fail to pay wages, as this constitutes a violation of workers’ rights.
«The bankarization policy cannot be applied where the conditions are not created,» he added.