The Union’s Chief Say

The Union’s Chief Say

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

There are many problems faced by any group of workers in a country that is going through a deep economic crisis, seasoned by an unprecedented inflationary process that constantly devalues the purchasing power of the salary and, therefore, the greatest motivation, which is the satisfaction of basic individual and family needs, from the remuneration received as payment for the work performed, disappears.

In this context, the possibility of joining the union to favorably influence the results and, consequently, the direct benefits of any member becomes effective.

It is up to the unions to take the lead in the conception of economic plans that are realistic and not utopias that, when they do not materialize, become another burden to be placed on the shoulders of these workers.

That there is not the slightest gap in the questioning of what the union is for, because the impact of its actions is felt daily in any labor scenario and this depends on the ability of this organization to demand that members are consulted, promote dialogue and implementation of viable ideas, while stimulating creativity and savings. Likewise, to lead the training on legal norms and state policies, the knowledge of these contributes to make visible possible solutions.

Questioning, promoting, stimulating, demanding and accompanying is what is expected of the organization. To improve its functioning is to assume the leading role that these times demand.

Reports that list memberships, attendance and symbolic or even harmful contributions -such as some unproductive and ineffective volunteer work in which the cost of fuel exceeds the value of the action carried out-, do not validate union effectiveness; this has to be built from each victory against statism which, it hurts to admit, has already won many spaces.

The union representatives of each collective that participate in the board of directors must be carefully chosen to be the most defiant and strongest voice for the rights of the majority.

Creative resistance is more than enduring hardship, it is reversing the state of affairs and in this the unions must be at the forefront of every battle.


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© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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