Cuban authorities insist on prevention against Covid-19

Cuban authorities insist on prevention against Covid-19

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Self-care, personal and home hygiene, and visiting a doctor in case of respiratory symptoms are the main actions to be taken to prevent Covid-19 from spreading, Cuban healthcare authorities noted on Saturday.
Pablo Feal, director of the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Unit, said at a press conference that the protective measures are the only way to contain the infection, as there is no vaccine or medication to fight the new coronavirus.

He urged people suffering from any infectious-respiratory process to visit a doctor, who will determine the treatment to be followed in each case, even before going to work or study, in case of children.

That procedure, Feal noted, ‘breaks the transmission if the contagion is confirmed, in addition to reducing the spreading of other active viruses among people’.

For her part, Dr. Yaniris Lopez, Environmental Health director at the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, noted that among the protective measures are washing hands constantly with water and soap, using disposable handkerchiefs to clean nose secretions and covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing with the angle of the elbow.

The expert informed that a litter per family of sodium hypochlorite will be sold soon nationwide, while the product will be sold as well in all markets in five-litter containers.

She added that due to its physical characteristics, the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which cases Covid-19, is surrounded by lipids that make it extremely sensitive to detergents, alcoholic solutions and chloride.

The Cuban Government’s program to fight this new coronavirus includes the promotion of the abovementioned measures and the holding of lectures by experts.

At the same time, Cuba has reinforced surveillance at airports, mainly among travelers from Germany, China, South Korea, United States, France, Italy, Iran and Japan.

Cuba also guarantees the availability and production capacity to assure 22 drugs included in the protocols to treat Covid-19 and its possible complications. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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