Category Archives: Ingles



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In a little over 24 hours we will be in 2025. We will arrive alive, healthy and with friends and family by our side, even if it has been a tough year in the economy, with tears in our souls for the departure of loved ones, and even with mastery in avoiding power outages, using the right transportation or withdrawing money from an ATM Continuar leyendo

Also a Union Issue

Also a Union Issue

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Agricultural production does not meet the demand and there are several points that are important in this area. In the Isle of Youth, programs are developed that contribute to feeding the population, such as the Municipal Self-Sufficiency Plan Continuar leyendo

Tourism Completes Delegation to Final Sessions of 22nd CTC Congress

Tourism Completes Delegation to Final Sessions of 22nd CTC Congress

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The tourism sector is moving forward in the process of electing delegates to the final sessions of the 22nd Congress of the Central of Workers of Cuba (CTC), the great event of the Cuban working population, where it will participate with a total of 26 representatives, some of them directly elected, thanks to the excellent performance of the two groups with this merit Continuar leyendo

Medicines for Cuba

Medicines for Cuba

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The Los Angeles Hands Off Cuba Committee (LAHOC) is launching a new campaign to help Cuba. This time, they want to send pediatric and general emergency medical supplies that are in short supply «as a result of the U.S. blockade and the island’s inclusion on the State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list» Continuar leyendo



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In the midst of darkness, loneliness raises its empire, and around its throne, sadness, even fear, takes shelter. Today, they have planted the flag of conquest in a good part of the streets, avenues and roads of Cuba Continuar leyendo



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Miser. That is the most serene epithet I can think of for typing. So messy and painful are the words that I am keeping in Word that I am deciding, between anger and disappointment, not to look at them again until calm has taken hold of me. Will it? Continuar leyendo

Don Quixote and Us

Don Quixote and Us

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Tranquility, serenity, repose, calm, peace,… these and other synonyms are related to define tranquility, a concept that we all need more than thanks. That is why in Cuba we usually associate it with that of citizenship Continuar leyendo

The 22nd CTC Congress Deserves a Better Union

The 22nd CTC Congress Deserves a Better Union

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«Promoting the growth of food production would be the best contribution of the trade union movement to the economic performance of the country. There will be no better contribution than that,» said Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, member of the Party’s Political Bureau and General Secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
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