CTC Calls for Support for Those in Need

CTC Calls for Support for Those in Need

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«Given the situation the country is going through, with the collapse of the SEN and the passage of Hurricane Oscar through the eastern provinces, the Cuban trade union movement, with the CTC and the national unions at the forefront, is calling on our affiliates to support everything related to the recovery of the electrical and housing infrastructure in the most affected municipalities,» CTC General Secretary Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento told Trabajadores.

Photo: René Perez Massola

«We are reactivating the mechanism that we have used on other occasions to organize solidarity kits. Members can bring donations to the headquarters of the municipal and provincial committees of the CTC, from where they will be delivered to the most needy areas. This is the most concrete expression of the solidarity sown by the Revolution.

The member of the Political Bureau also reiterated that brigades of linemen and construction workers are already on the move in the eastern areas to assist in the recovery phase of the areas affected by Oscar.

«The CTC of these places has also called for solidarity, this time more personalized, so that the workplaces identify and accompany the most needy families in days of work exchange or volunteer work that will give a decisive impulse to the recovery of their homes. This should be done especially when the necessary resources, such as roofs, cement, wood, etc., arrive in the areas.

«There will be no better contribution, nor more concrete support to the call made by our First Secretary Miguel Díaz-Canel, to recover the country as soon as possible, than this direct solidarity towards our own comrades,» he concluded.

«There will be no better contribution or more concrete support to the call of our First Secretary, Miguel Díaz-Canel, to recover the country as soon as possible, than this direct solidarity with our own comrades,» he concluded.


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Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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