The announcement took them by surprise. No one was expecting such a surprise, said some people at the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, after being informed that this group would be in charge of leading the block of the Energy and Mining Workers Union that will open the May Day parade in the province of Matanzas.

«This is a way of recognizing the work that is done every day to keep running a plant that, on March 19, will celebrate 37 years since it first synchronized with the National Electric System (SEN, in Spanish),» said Osmar Ramírez, General Secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (
) in this western region, in making the announcement.«We have no doubts about your dedication and loyalty. You always show it, and that is a reason for the admiration of the people and of us,» added Ramirez, as he called for participation in the march for International Workers’ Day, encouraged by the slogan «For Cuba Together We Create.
CTE Guiteras was the workcenter chosen to spread the May Day Call throughout the province.
Ariannis Rodriguez, a member of the Provincial Secretariat of the
, read the document, which states that «the homeland is facing the growing hostility of an increasingly aggressive and overbearing empire, determined that new neo-colonial, fascist and terrorist expressions prevail.
«In response to these acts of violation of international law, the workers, together with the people, maintain the unshakable decision to be faithful to the legacy of the heroes of the Cuban nation; to continue the struggle that successive generations of workers, peasants and students have waged to achieve freedom, independence and social justice, and to preserve and improve the sacred conquests that we have achieved after the victorious clarion call of January 1, 1959,» the text reads.
For this reason, the call urges, we will reaffirm our firm conviction that the unity of the people, unconditional resistance and the will to perfect the common work will always be the guarantee of victory.
He adds that «with the contribution of everyone, especially the workers, we will advance in the programs that support the socio-economic transformation and development of the country, focused on satisfying the needs of the people and improving working conditions and salaries.
«In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to maximize the productive reserves we have in each sector and job position; to consolidate the powers granted to the socialist state enterprise and its linkage with the non-state sector, which contributes to a greater and more diversified supply of goods and services, as well as to the growth of income in freely convertible currency. In this regard, food production is essential to achieve the greatest possible self-sufficiency and to reduce the costly and unsustainable import bill».

The May Day activities will commemorate the 130th anniversary of the beginning of the Necessary War on February 24, 1895, led by National Hero José Martí; the 86th anniversary of the founding of the
, the organic movement of the 22nd Congress; and the 66th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution.International Workers’ Day will pay special tribute to Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, an enduring paradigm of Cuban solidarity with all just causes, eternal leader of this Revolution and its people.
«We will celebrate the feast of the world proletariat with colorful and militant parades in squares and communities, as an unequivocal demonstration of the majority support of our people to their revolution, ratifying the priority of the participation and commitment of all, in the search for solutions to the economic struggle we are fighting, through our own efforts and with the firm and unwavering determination to always achieve victory, concludes the call.