Very early in the morning, with arms ready to pick potatoes, weed sweet potatoes, cut marabú, or whatever agricultural task was needed, Cuban workers returned to our fields for a day of volunteer work on March 9. And we saw the young man, the father with his son, the most experienced worker, the woman, the retiree, the leader, whole families.

Once the goal was reached, not with fake numbers, but with the real contribution that society is grateful for, the morning ended like a decisive and committed inning with the call for the biggest and most massive event of all those that take place in Cuba every year: the May Day Parade.
From a field in Güines, the general secretary of the CTC, Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, said it unequivocally. On this day, we will unequivocally demonstrate the support of the majority for our Rrevolution, a concept that, coincidentally, was defined by the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz, 25 years ago in the Plaza of the Revolution, during a popular rally on the first day of the fifth month of the year.
Every initiative, every support and every story to tell is open to collectives, companies, union sections and as many people or cooperatives as want to join us. This week, on March 11, we will commemorate an important date for the trade union movement: the death of the Captain of the Working Class, Lázaro Peña.
The will to continue defending our social project together was clear this Sunday. And perhaps our arms came home more tired, our waists ached, and the red earth was impregnated in our hands and hair. But no journalistic editorial will be able to summarize so much frenzy in a few lines, because the fairest, clearest, most sincere ideas are carried in the middle of the chest to fight for them. Our effort, our May, here we go.