Cuba vibrated this Saturday with the day promoted by the trade union movement to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the first voluntary work carried out in the country at the request of the Heroic Guerrilla, Che.

In Havana, the main scenario was the Organoponic at 146th and 25th streets, in the municipality of Playa, whose 267 beds dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables and fresh condiments require arms to take care of them.
Members of the party’s political bureau, Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, general secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (
), and Marta Ayala Ávila, general director of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), participated in the volunteer work, along with the president and vice president of the Provincial Defense Council, Liván Izquierdo Alonso and Yanet Hernández Pérez, respectively.The union leader stressed the validity of volunteer work «as a mobilizing element for productive contribution, also as a formator of revolutionary conscience, which will always be necessary and is indispensable today.
The day is part of the national campaign of mobilizations for production promoted by the
for its 22nd Congress, whose final session is scheduled for next year..Fighters from the National Revolutionary Police in Playa and from the military units UM 2423 of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and J-140 of the Havana Military Region also worked there.
Nine trade unionists from the Ecuadorian province of Manabí, who were visiting Cuba at the invitation of the National Union of Construction Workers, also participated.
At the end of the work, several entities were recognized by the
with the Certificate of Labor Prowess for their contribution to the recovery of the capital, among them the CIGB, as well as the business unit based in Playa 2, of the Havana Centro de Palmares Branch.For his part, Leobanys Ávila Góngora, member of the National Secretariat of the trade union center, called for the intensification of efforts for the economic recovery of the country in the heat of the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution and the 86th anniversary of the
on January 28, 2025. (Manuel de Jesús Singh Castillo)
Genuine and Fruitful Work
Granma.- The date was celebrated with productive activities in this province.
The commemorative events were held on November 23rd, and although different tasks were developed in each of the municipalities, mainly related to food production and sanitation, it was in Caney de las Mercedes, in the municipality of Bartolomé Masó, that the greatest forces were gathered.

At the site, and in the presence of the highest authorities of the Granma area, José Antonio Pérez Pérez, member of the National Secretariat of the
, recalled that this type of initiative has been part of the work of the Cuban trade union movement since that date, because through its call it has responded to specific situations throughout the national geography.The leader took the opportunity to announce the actions planned for the 86th anniversary of the founding of the
, recalling that this was an event marked by the ideals of the Captain of the Working Class, Lázaro Peña, and other revolutionaries.For her part, Migdalia Josefa Barreiro Cisneros, general secretary of the union organization in Granma, spoke of the immense pride she felt in being in such a place, especially at this time when it is crucial to look back and seek the pillars that have supported our socialist project.
On November 23, 1959, hundreds of men and women mobilized in Caney de las Mercedes to promote the construction of what would become the Camilo Cienfuegos School City. Some 20,000 children would study there, mostly children of farmers from the Sierra Maestra and workers from the surrounding areas, also a symbol of the alliances between the two sectors.
Volunteer work is a school that creates consciousness, Che said of this altruistic and genuine gesture when he saw the results of what became a lasting and fruitful movement. (Lianet Suárez Sánchez)