A Lunge that Bleeds Us Dry

A Lunge that Bleeds Us Dry

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (5 puntos, 1 votos)

Our lives have long been confronted with too many sharp edges to face them naked. We walk on a dynamited moral terrain. The soul seems to have separated from the body, leaving behind a bundle of raw and true stories.


I would like to have a rosary of them. But I prefer to challenge one whose roots are growing deeper every day: the children and adults who beg in the streets.

Please, before you call me an adjective, paint me as an agitator, or worse, read!

It is a reality that some social conjunctures sometimes manifest themselves as crises in the most diverse aspects.

The economic and values (in its role) are two of those that have taken on a sad and shocking protagonism in Cuba.

There are several reasons. I prefer to distinguish in the matter to be dealt with a social environment, exhausted, strained and very affected, in which it is urgent to conscientiously persuade the family, educational environment and some institutions and their main decision-makers.

I do not forget the community, this piece of land that we inhabit and that is a reflection of the tense problems and explosions that we endure on a daily basis.

But, let’s dig into the wound! What can drive children to beg for money on the streets?

Perhaps because of lack of communication, poverty, material deprivation, or because family authority is degraded, absent, or fragmented.

This can result in a behavioral disorder in which there is no guilt complex because there is an insufficiency of moral self-control of behavior.

I am not forgetting the role of friendships in which negative leaders promote negative manifestations in order to be accepted in the group.

In the case of adults, there may be several reasons, although abandonment, deterioration of values that have affected their dignity as persons, financial precariousness, low standard of living and mental illness weigh heavily.

This problem, which certainly has other triggers and causes, must be treated not only as a matter of urgency, but also as a matter of perspective and future, since its consequences may lead, over time, to expressions of greater danger.

Values are one of the pillars of societies and their social stability. Their hijacking can undermine much of what is positive, what cherishes and elevates the human being.

Unfortunately, today in our country, although some find it hard to believe or to assimilate, this phenomenon is growing like a lunge, bleeding our souls.


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