One Voice, Two Voices, Millions of Voices

One Voice, Two Voices, Millions of Voices

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

When a worker stood up at the municipal conference to demand the payment of the wage arrears in his enterprise, he not only fulfilled the mandate he had received from his collective as a trade union leader, but also showed how much power the 22nd Congress of the Workers’ Central Union of Cuba (Spanish: Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, CTC) can have to channel and resolve real problems, without having to reach the final sessions in April 2025.

One voice is as important in this process as those of millions of members who have taken the upcoming conclave as a scenario to make a leap towards what the country’s economy needs most: to produce and produce efficiently, to conserve resources and to create wealth to be distributed with less inflation and more social justice.

After holding almost 58% of the scheduled municipal conferences, the month of September will be decisive in the chronogram foreseen at this level, at the same time as the provincial conferences will begin in Pinar del Río on September 20. Likewise, in this ninth month of the year, the election of the direct delegates will begin in 90 centers throughout the country, as well as the pre-candidates to the highest meeting and the new National Council of the CTC, which will govern the destinies of the organization from 2025. Then, around October, we will be immersed in the analysis of the Statutes project.

So far, there are some issues that characterize the vanguard because of their repetition and the overriding need of their solution. Some of them are the loss of wage capacity, the functioning and real leadership that the trade union sections should have in each place, the regulations for the distribution of profits and the latest transformations approved for the non-state sector.

The voices of the Congress, without being insignificant in their range of transcendence, have also pointed to issues such as the representation of the bodies of labor justice, food production and the supply of land for self-consumption, the role of science in productive activity, the quality of the assemblies of the member organizations, and how much more can be done with intention for the safety and health of workers, beyond the purchase of protective means, which, by the way, are often not even budgeted.

The ideas of productive linkages among all economic actors (with the state enterprise as the predominant one), the concern about the retirement age and the need to give more value to the trade union schools, the quarry of the organization’s cadres and their respective unions, were also not negligible.

Beyond what has been heard so far in the municipal conferences (and what remains to be discussed), issues such as the use of social media to expose the truth of the revolution and the CTC in particular, the work with young people entering each workplace or company, and greater encouragement to innovators and rationalizers are goals to be pursued with creativity and commitment.

Let’s create together for Cuba is not a slogan that can be raised without thinking about how much more everyone can do with freshness, talent, sacrifice and dedication. Society is undergoing extensive migratory processes and a strong campaign to dismantle what the Revolution has changed for the good of the people and especially the workers. It is possible to convince and persuade, without a spiel, of the values sown in more than 64 years. And that is another mark that this 22nd Congress should leave.

The penultimate stretch of this long calendar is approaching. Just a few days ago, we defined the Congress as the vital heart of the organization. With its heartbeat, its teachings and its realities, nothing will make this process more robust than to continue as we have been doing: faithful to the principles of Lázaro Peña and the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz. They are lights that always illuminate the truth. And we are moving towards them.

Acerca del autor

Máster en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Subdirector Editorial del Periódico Trabajadores desde el 2019. Editor-jefe de la Redacción Deportiva desde 2007. Ha participado en coberturas periodísticas de Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, Juegos Panamericanos, Juegos Olímpicos, Copa Intercontinental de Béisbol, Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Campeonatos Mundiales de Judo, entre otras. Profesor del Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí, en La Habana, Cuba.


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© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
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