Statement of Solidarity of the CTC with the People and Workers Movement of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Statement of Solidarity of the CTC with the People and Workers Movement of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

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The Cuban Workers’ Central Union (CTC, in Spanish), and its National Unions express their firm solidarity with the brotherly Venezuelan people and, especially, with the Central Bolivariana Socialista de Trabajadores (CBST), in the face of the media manipulation campaigns that seek to promote internal destabilization and violence in the country.

We condemn the actions promoted by U.S. imperialism and the fascist right wing to delegitimize the resounding victory of President Nicolás Maduro and the Gran Polo Patriótico in the July 28th elections, results that were approved by the National Electoral Council and the Supreme Court of Justice as a demonstration of strict compliance with the Constitution.

We Cuban workers are fully convinced that no one can defeat the will of the Venezuelan people, which triumphed democratically in the elections. For this reason, we reject the articulation of misleading matrices through social media and other platforms to incite hatred against Bolivarian institutions, leaders and authorities.

We are certain that there will be no media or interference campaign that will undermine the courageous Venezuelan people and their workers, who have the legitimate right to be in defense of their sovereignty and self-determination.

We reaffirm our full support and accompaniment to the brotherly Venezuelan people, to the CBST and to President Nicolás Maduro, worthy heirs of the humanist and independent thought of Bolívar and Chávez.

Glory to the brave people of Venezuela!

Long live President Nicolás Maduro!

Cuban Workers’ Central Union

August 28, 2024


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© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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