Encouraged by the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) in the context of its conclave, and in order to promote actions to improve the necessary working conditions, the plaque 22 Congress of the CTC has so far awarded 11 work centers in the Special Municipality of Isla de la Juventud.

According to the communiqué of the CTC of the territory, read in each collective stimulated this Wednesday, for the placement of the plaque they took into account 21 indicators, among which are the results in sustainability, the fulfillment of the actions in the Maternal and Child Care Program and its definition in the life and future of many families benefited with the kindness of the Primary Health Care System and its facilities.
Also, to maintain good indicators of efficiency, such as union dues and contributions to the Fatherland; the fulfillment of plans; participation in voluntary work called for by the CTC and the corresponding union. To have the logo of the 22nd Congress and that of the Sentir Pinero Movement, to show good union performance and other aspects.
The entourage left in a caravan. The first center was ETECSA, followed by INRE, Radio Cuba, Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales, Casa de Cultura de Gerona, Desoft, Hogar de anciano Francisca Navia Cuadrado, Ortoisla, Centro de Higiene y Epidemiología, Sepsa and the company Bebidas y Refresco.
Yusmary Olivera Pupo, general secretary of the CTC on the Isle of Youth, explained that in this first stage the previous centers were delivered and for September they planned the rest selected, which stand out for having, in addition to a coherent policy of cadres and unionization; union, labor, economic and legal training; the realization of assemblies of members and workers and representatives.
In the same way, the directive emphasizes that they carry out their economic plans with efficiency, they show ideological political preparation, they are enthusiastic about the payment systems based on the collective agreements in the section of working conditions, health and safety, as well as the fight against crime, illegality and corruption.
All award winners will have their recognition displayed in light of the upcoming birthday of the CTC.