Young Cubans get ready to compete in world programing contest

Young Cubans get ready to compete in world programing contest

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Limitless, the team from the University of Oriente (UO) that will compete in the world final of the International Computer Programing Contest (ICPC) in Russia in June, is training hard to get successful results.
Limitless trainer Yuri Alcantara Oliveros told Prensa Latina that the three winners in the Caribbean stage, held here in November 2019, are training hard every day in one of the laboratories of the Natural and Exact Sciences Faculties at the University of Oriente.

Their training consists of Internet sessions, solving mathematical problems, contest simulations and interaction with other students.

Alcantara noted that the UO has excelled in the latest ICPCs, so the team is also learning from the presence and experience of other students, who already graduated and obtained good results at the competition.

Limitless member William Martinez, who is a fifth-year student of Computer Sciences, pointed out that nearly four months before the contest, they feel the pressure of time, so they are increasing their training.

The other Cuban team that will participate in the contest in Moscow is UH ++, from the University of Havana, which was the highest scorer in the Caribbean ICPC. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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