The friendship between Cuba and South Africa has very deep roots

The friendship between Cuba and South Africa has very deep roots

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Salvador Valdés Mesa, a first vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers, attended the inauguration May 25 of the newly elected President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa.

Salvador Valdés Mesa’s official Twitter account
Salvador Valdés Mesa’s official Twitter account

Valdés Mesa, who is undertaking an official visit to the country, conveyed his best wishes to Ramaphosa and his governmental.

On his official Twitter account, the Cuban First Vice President recalled that the two nations celebrated the first quarter of a century of their diplomatic relations on May 25, coinciding with Africa Day.

According to Prensa Latina, in his inaugural speech, Ramaphosa addressed the main challenges facing his country and reiterated his will to fight against poverty, create jobs and end inequality. “This is a defining moment for a young nation like ours,” he said. (Taken from


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