Cuba Further Ease Housing Regulations

Cuba Further Ease Housing Regulations

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

New legal changes on housing legislation in Cuba are taking effect to favor the granting of subsidies to the most vulnerable ones and self-employed construction. The agreement 8093 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers updates the provisions on housing, in which the Ministries of Construction (MICONS), Justice, Labor and Social Security, Finance and Prices and the Institute of Physical Planning are directly involved.


Housing director general at MICONS, Vivian Rodriguez, recently talked at a news conference about the five modifications.

They refer to the granting of subsidies to individuals, the transfer from state properties in execution to private owners to finish the work for whom banking loans will be eased, as well as the legalization and recognition of the right to the land.

They also include the transfer of the house property assigned by the State or houses built with subsidies, and the reference value to be applied for calculating taxes associated with the transfer by donation and buying and selling of houses.

This resolves the processes in which the subsidized person dies or leaves the country and guarantees the pending cases by analysis the study in the first call according to the requirements of the new legislation, MICONS executives, Maria Aurora Sancesario, stated.

As for the transfer of state housing in execution to assigned owners to complete them, only 16,880 properties were authorized, whose beneficiaries will be those people who, when the works had been interrupted, already knew that they would be their owners.

In case of not accepting the transfer, natural disaster victims will have priority.

Another law was to legalize housing and the recognition of land rights to those persons affected by weather events and do not have legal documentation, in the provinces of Artemisa, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Granma, Guantanamo, Camagüey, Las Tunas, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba. (Taken from PL)


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