Cuba, Mexico City Sign Health Agreements

Cuba, Mexico City Sign Health Agreements

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Mexico City’s head of government Miguel Angel Mancera and Cuban Public Health Minister Roberto Morales Ojeda signed two agreements on health cooperation.

The first one involves the advising and transfer of experiences between Cuba and the program El Médico en Tu Casa (The Doctor at your House), which is applied in the Mexican capital and was also introduced to a dozen countries in Latin America and the world, including the southern United States.

The second memorandum will allow sharing researches, medicines and advances in cancer treatments, Human Immunodeficiency Virus and neuro-restorative medicine from the island.
During the meeting, the Cuban minister acknowledged the Mexican government’s interest in social welfare and expressed optimism about the success of the bilateral cooperation and the improvement of primary health care in that locality.

For his part, Mancera stated that for Mexico City these agreements are reasons for encouragement and satisfaction and expressed interest in expanding the exchanges to the areas of biotechnology and professional training.

In exclusive statements to Prensa Latina, the Mexican official said that Cuba has a rich program of professionals working directly with the families, which was and will be a great influence for the program El Médico en Tu Casa.

During his tour, Mancera and his team accompanied by Cuban health authorities will visit reference medical centers on the island such as the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and the Institute of Tropical Medicine ‘Pedro Kourí’, located In Havana. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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