Solidarity Group in Belgium Stresses Need to Fight Against Blockade

Solidarity Group in Belgium Stresses Need to Fight Against Blockade

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In Belgium, we keep fighting against the U.S. blockade on Cuba, a policy that remains despite the reestablishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, said Isabelle Vanbrabant, president of the Socialist Cuba Initiative solidarity organization.

That was the spirit that deeply marked a performance on Saturday at the Manifiesta event taking place in this city, with a stand devoted to Cuba and the inauguration of the Festival Che Presente, as tribute to the revolutionary leader Ernesto Che Guevara.

‘Some people think that after the reestablishment of the relations, there is nothing else to do, but it is not like that, the blockade is still the main obstacle for Cuba’s development and therefore we need to continue fighting’, Vanbrabant told Prensa Latina.

Many attendees participated in the performance led by Aleida Guevara, internationalist doctor and Che’s daughter, who was invited to participate in Manifiesta by Socialist Cuba Initiative.

Vanbrabant said to be confident that the Caribbean nation and all the international solidarity movement would achieve to bring down the blockade imposed by Washington for more than 50 years.

Aleida Guevara will participate in several conferences on topics like the relations between Cuba and the United States, and the current situation in Latin America.

Cuban photographer and filmmaker Roberto Chile will participate too and present his documentary ‘Fidel es Fidel’, dedicated to the Cuban Revolution’s historical leader Fidel Castro. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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