A promise kept, Mijaín wins gold

A promise kept, Mijaín wins gold

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Rio de Janeiro.- On August 15, Cuban pride filled the Carioca Arena 2 of this city, when Greco-Roman wrestler Mijaín López won the island its second gold medal of the 31st Olympic Games, also becoming three-times Olympic champion and confirming his title as King, as his family call him.


Mijain Lòpez con su tercer oro olimpico. Foto: Ricardo López Hevia
Mijain Lòpez con su tercer oro olimpico. Foto: Ricardo López Hevia


Precise tactics, outstanding skill, copious amounts of courage and a great effort in the final against the only man who has defeated him in nine years, Turkey’s Riza Kapaal, saw Cuba and the world tremble with joy.
Today, August 16, gymnast Manrique Larduet, another outstanding Cuban athlete, will also be competing for gold despite an injury to his right ankle. Larduet will participate in the high and parallel bars events, while World Champion Denia Caballero will face off against Sandra Petkovic of Croatia and teammate Yaimé Pérez in the discus competition.
Cuba has six athletes set to compete in the boxing tournament, including Yasmani Lugo, Miguel Mar­tínez, Lenier Peró, Julio C. la Cruz, Robeisy Ramírez and Yasniel Toledo. (Taken from en.granma.cu)


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