Senator Patrick Leahy Supports New US Measures to Cuba

Senator Patrick Leahy Supports New US Measures to Cuba

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patrick-leahyUS Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy expressed today his support for the new measures announced by the Treasury and Commerce departments in this country, which modify aspects of unilateral sanctions against Cuba.

I applaud President Obama for his vision and determination to expand opportunities so that US citizens may establish direct links with the island by approving these amendments that will benefit the peoples of the two countries, said the legislator.

Leahy, who represents the state of Vermont in the Senate, stated his constituents are eager to initiate a wide range of activities on the island, ranging from educational, artistic and cultural exchanges, to conducting business with their Cuban counterparts.

With these recent regulations, the government ended the regulations on US citizens that did not allow them to travel to the Caribbean nation with companions, while simplified the financial transactions with the United States, stated the senator in a note press.

Leahy, who is the top Democrat figure in the Senate Subcommittee serving the State Department and foreign operations, visited Cuba several times after President Raul Castro and Obama announced the decision to restore bilateral diplomatic relations in December 17, 2014. (Taken from Prensa Latina News Agency)


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