The Cuban Five: Everlasting Symbols

The Cuban Five: Everlasting Symbols

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Foto: Roberto Carlos Medina
Foto: Roberto Carlos Medina

The Cuban Five antiterrorist fighters -as Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez were known worldwide- held in prisons of the United States are already freed and in their Homeland turned into real everlasting symbols for the present and future generations of Cubans.

They were welcomed at the National Assembly in closing session of the Parliament with a long ovation full of emotions.

They met there with  the also Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Orlando Villavicencio, Elian Gonzalez and his father Juan Miguel.

They also talked with the President of the Councils of States and Ministers, General Army Raul Castro and other members of the Political Bureau and the Council of State.


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