Cuban Workers Federation in a Union International Event

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The 10th International Forum of Unions on Economic Globalization was held in Beijing, the capital of the Popular Republic of China, with a wide and fruitful interchange of experiences in the workers movement worldwide, on the adjustment of the productive structures and harmonic working links of cooperation South-South.

The event had the attendance of union delegations from countries from America, Europe, Asia and Africa and there was also the participation of a delegation from the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) that exposed, among other issues, the role of the Cuban unions in the process of updating of the economic model and on the damage caused by the economic, commercial and finance blockade imposed by the United States to Cuba. The representation of the CTC to this event that was in session with the slogan: Reform, development and Dreams was made of Raul Pita Hidalgo, general secretary from Pinar del Rio province and Ernesto Freire Cazañas, head of the International Relations of the CTC. 


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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