Union’s Congress Starts Now

Union’s Congress Starts Now

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RPcongreso06 2The 20th Congress of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) has not finished, all the contrary, it continues with another important period, where all agreed must come to fruition; implement all the guiding documents, like the Regulations and other directives related to the performance of the union, and the most important thing: strengthen the job of the organization, on the basis of all analyzed in the Congress, the thousands of opinions given and the working lines which have been well defined.

If you ask me about the most significant thing in this transcendental event of the Cuban workers, I will never hesitate and assert it was the great democratic spirit that prevailed while debating all the topics and matters. I could also add the expression of “courageous” opinions, to call them in a way, according to the critical indications that deepened inside the organization.

A demonstration of this was the introduction with the agreement of the new Regulations in the plenary session. When many, “including me”, thought it would be a simple procedure to raise our arms and positively vote, the reality was different. There were many proposals for changes to improve the principal document, and some other chapters, with previous adequate and fair debate, and they were modified. It encourages us to appreciate there is not a false unanimity once more, something really criticized by Army General Raul Castro Ruz, and  that some proposals of adjustments were ratified by the majority and not by the 100 percent of the voters.

In the afternoon-night of February 20th the 17 meetings between the delegates with the directions of the organisms of the central administration of the State and the unions, were a real justification of the mobilization to the Cuban capital of more than 1,400 delegates from all the provinces, no matter the extraordinary value of the rest of the working sessions.

I witnessed the satisfaction of those who participated in them, from one side and the other. The fact is that they debated, and said all they wanted to about the most important things in each branch of economy and services, with an intimate and detailed vision. They used a colloquial language and respect prevailed in the exchange of opinions and ideas of not few problems, among them were prioritized those directly related to the workers and their labor environment.

All those things that had not answers were registered by the state directives to pay the correct attention to them. In the working commissions those attending the event deeply valued the good things, the difficulties and deficiencies of the union’s performance; the role of the workers in the transformations and the strengthening of the economy; the representation and defense of the affiliates’ rights, and the political-ideological work.

Beyond the strategic value of the topics debated, opinions given on the basis of concise introductory reports allowed draft, the best possible way, the course to have a more solid and credible union with renewable efforts.

Economy was the main topic of the debates. The delegates and guests were informed “first hand” on the situation of the Guidelines’ implementation. It was a right decision because the workers are the ones who have in their hands the main source of welfare creation.

Now is the delegates’ responsibility to inform the other members of their staffs, what was debated in this important meeting. What was discussed should not stay inside the halls of the Conventional Palace. The multiplier effect, indispensable in this case, has to go beyond the media and need the contribution of all who attended this Congress.

This Congress continues due to many reasons, because it is essential, the materialization in practice, above all, on the base where the union beats, what was theoretically defined on countless meetings, assemblies and working sessions.

The 20th Congress of the CTC above all “and it is the most important thing” ratified the solid union of the Cuban workers, the will to always defend the Revolution and its conquests, and to continue advancing in pursuit a prosperous and sustainable socialism.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Profesor de Educación General en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Félix Varela, de Villa Clara, Cuba (1979). Ha laborado en la Revista Juventud Técnica, semanario En Guardia, órgano del Ejército Central, periódicos Escambray, CINCO de Septiembre y Granma. Desde el año 2007 es corresponsal de Trabajadores en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Está especializado en temas económicos y agropecuarios. En 1999 acompañó en funciones periodísticas a la segunda Brigada Médica Cubana que llegó a Honduras después del paso del huracán Mitch. Publicó el libro Verdades sin puerto (Editorial cubana MECENAS). Ha estado en otras tres ocasiones en esa nación centroamericana, en funciones periodísticas, impartiendo conferencias a estudiantes universitarios, asesorando medios de comunicación e impartiendo cursos-talleres sobre actualización periodística a periodistas y comunicadores. Multipremiado en premios y concursos internacionales, nacionales y provinciales de Periodismo. Fue merecedor del Premio Provincial Periodístico Manuel Hurtado del Valle (Cienfuegos) por la Obra de la Vida – 2012. Le fue conferido el Sello de Laureado, otorgado por el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura (SNTC). Mantiene evaluación profesional de Excepcional.


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