Cuba Celebrates Science Day

Cuba Celebrates Science Day

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La superación del personal, una constante en el CIBA (Foto: Cortesía del CIBA)
La superación del personal, una constante en el CIBA (Foto: Cortesía del CIBA)

Havana, Prensa Latina.-  Cuba is celebrating today Science Day with important achievements in 2013 and a great scientific potential, which is not even totally used. Cuban Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) Jose Fidel Santana Nuñez recently said this branch of knowledge should be a tool to promote development and an active part of the updating of the economic model in Cuba.

Havana was chosen to host the central activities, under the slogan «55 Years of Science in Revolution.»

Among CITMA’s priorities for 2014 is to advocate that the relationship between the scientific and productive sector strengthen even more.

On January 15, 1960, the leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, stated that Cuba must be a country of men of science, because it is being sown opportunities. In tribute to the strategic projection of his thought, we decide to celebrate the Cuban Science Day every year.


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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