Cuban President to Attend Nelson Mandela»s Funerals

Cuban President to Attend Nelson Mandela»s Funerals

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Foto: BBC
Photo: BBC

Havana, (Prensa Latina).- President Raul Castro will attend the funeral rites of Nelson Mandela in South Africa, on Dec 10 in the city of Johannesburg.

The president will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and Cuban ambassador to that African nation, Carlos Fernandez de Cossio.

Raul Castro paid tribute this week to Mandela, to whom he thanked for his friendship towards the island.

In a statement on occasion of the death of the first black president of that country, Raul Castro said Mandela will be remembered for his example, greatness of his work, and the strength of his convictions in the struggle against the Apartheid regime.

The Cuban president also stressed in its statement of condolence Mandela’s invaluable contribution to the construction of the new South Africa.

Raul Castro also said the Cubans have professed him a deep respect and admiration, not only for what he did for his people, but also for his friendship towards Cuba.

In tribute to Mandela, the Cuban government decreed official mourning from 6:00 am on Dec. 6 to 12:00 pm on Dec. 7, and national mourning on Dec. 8.

About 59 heads of State or Government will also attend the official funeral rites of the South African leader, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that nation reported today.

Among them, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Ecuadorian Rafael Correa, for Latin America, and a U.S representation led by President Barack Obama and several former presidents will attend Mandela’s funeral rites.

Also on the list are Spain’s King Juan Carlos de Borbon, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, also the Palestinian Chief of State, Mahmoud Abbas, as well as the African statesmen and lots of personalities like Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey.

Mandela, historic leader of the African nation, died on Dec. 5 at the age of 95 at his home in Johannesburg, a fact that was immediately notified by South African President Jacob Zuma.


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