Tag Archives: EE UU

Raul Castro: Unacceptable levels of poverty and social inequality persist and even aggravate across the world

Raul Castro: Unacceptable levels of poverty and social inequality persist and even aggravate across the world

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Remarks by Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, in his address to the United Nations Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, New York, September 26, 2015 Esteemed heads of State and Government, Distinguished heads of delegations, Mister Secretary General of the United… Continuar leyendo

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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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