Tag Archives: Cuban workers

The Way is Open When the Union Works

The Way is Open When the Union Works

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

When we arranged the interview with Pabel Cruz de la Torre, we agreed that it was not necessary for him to be prepared with figures to demonstrate the union performance of his work center, since it was clear that he had won the Labor Prowess Flag Continuar leyendo

Expired Items… Who’s to Blame?

Expired Items… Who’s to Blame?

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

It has happened to all of us. Between the daily dynamics of buying a necessary product, the little habit of examining it as it should and the scarcity of variety in the Cuban market, we often look only at the price and almost never at the expiration date of what we take home and then cook, eat or use as medicine Continuar leyendo

History, Talent, Life and Dedication

History, Talent, Life and Dedication

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Their strength is not the same, but their ideas are, and they do not stop. They no longer carry out their former responsibilities, but they continue with the same dedication and desire to do and create. Martí said it well: «When we are dedicated to work, there is no way that sorrow can overcome us.… Continuar leyendo

The Value of a Prepared Trade Union

The Value of a Prepared Trade Union

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (5 puntos, 1 votos)

With so many alternatives to increase the income of workers in the productive and service sectors, Elinier Verdecia Amoró is surprised that even in Matanzas’ entities the salary barely exceeds two thousand pesos Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
Fax: 053 (7) 555927 E-mail: digital@trabajadores.cu