Category Archives: Ingles

CELAC as a Conflict-Free Region is Positive

CELAC as a Conflict-Free Region is Positive

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By Carmen Esquivel Sarría Geneva, Prensa Latina.- The Community of Latin American and Caribbean Statesâ�Ö initiative to proclaim Latin America as a conflict-free region sends a truly positive message to the world, UN expert Alfred de Zayas said. De Zayas told Prensa Latina that promoting the right to peace and development is in tune with… Continuar leyendo

Lawyer’s Offices for Better service

Lawyer’s Offices for Better service

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The main purpose of the National Organization of Lawyer’s Offices (ONBC) is to offer a service of quality to natural people (citizens) and legal ones (entities, enterprises), this is the reason why, great importance is given to the preparation and training of the professionals. Continuar leyendo

CELAC Extended Troika Meets in Havana

CELAC Extended Troika Meets in Havana

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The extended Troika of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), comprising Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is meeting today prior to the 2nd Summit of that regional integration mechanism Continuar leyendo

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