Category Archives: Ingles

A Bit of my Life

A Bit of my Life

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For the Cuban Day of Transportation on June 28, Trabajadores Newspaper interviewed the worker Aida Rosa Claro Sanchez who shows her diplomas for her job in this branch and says: “They all represent a bit of my life” Continuar leyendo

Drugs: Illness of the Losses

Drugs: Illness of the Losses

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Since 1987, June 26 has been declared as International Day against the Traffic and Consumption of Drugs. At Paredes ward in the Psychiatry Hospital in Havana, Cuba; a team of professionals struggling for the social rehab of addicts Continuar leyendo

Cuba Readies to Put into Practice Labor Code

Cuba Readies to Put into Practice Labor Code

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From this week on and until the end of this semester the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) will carry out activities in view to implement the new Labor Code, its Regulations and complementary legal dispositions or norms in a training and preparation plan for all the leaders in the union movement Continuar leyendo

Charcoa l’s Mambi Woman

Charcoa l’s Mambi Woman

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Like a Mambi woman but in this century, Agueda Leon Castro (63) takes her ax and machete up with an incredible strength, and goes into the woodland quite far from her home, together with her dog Leal and a cigarette in her mouth Continuar leyendo

Diamonds for the Reader

Diamonds for the Reader

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Diamonds for the Duke is a novel with the hallmark of the Editorial Politica and was launched in the last International Book Fair 2014 held from February to March. It contributed to a better view of the liberation war in Angola Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
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