Isle of Youth: «Chaining» to the Chain of Economic Actors

Isle of Youth: «Chaining» to the Chain of Economic Actors

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Many are the challenges proposed for 2024 by the employees of the Empresa Municipal de Comercio, aimed at improving and diversifying its offerings, the quality of its services, greater economic efficiency, compliance with the plans of retail commercial circulation and investment, effectiveness of internal control mechanisms, among other elements.

Photo: Victoria Newspaper
Photo: Victoria Newspaper

Its improvement will bring greater commercialization of goods that satisfy the needs or shortages of consumers, as envisioned in the Territory’s Economic and Social Development Strategy.

These topics were a point of debate on each day where they analyzed the management of the company and its potential to seek initiatives to contribute more to society.

In the midst of important economic transformations, which imply changes in the service sector, this work mass strives for professionalism to characterize each business unit, good treatment, presentation and exquisite taste of the dishes, without neglecting the efficiency in the use of the resources put in their hands.

Analyzing the successes and failures of commercial, gastronomic and service activities in the recently developed Party Plenum, in the Special Municipality, irregularities such as: poor customer service, low salaries, shortages, high prices of raw materials, lack of stability in the payment of profits, non-compliance with indicators, by not using the granted powers, appeared.

In addition, new products and services are not being identified from non-state forms of management that could enrich the offer and increase efficiency. Deficits in planned insurance, insufficient self-management, and limitations in productive yields all result in poor quality of service.

However, investments are being made in the Río Init, El Cochinito and El Chino restaurants, which are priorities in the territorial management controls, although their completion does not show progress on the part of the MSMEs responsible for the works, either for lack of resources or labor, although there are also subjective aspects: organization, use of the working day to complete the schedules on time.


Other Common Problems

Other subjectivities include delays in the recovery of facilities in the Boulevard; inefficiency in logistics, by not linking with companies, producers and non-state workers; little use of technologies to promote services, either in social media or in the Citizen’s Portal.

Undoubtedly, commerce is more than just the company, said its director Rafael Meriño Collazo, they are involved in 18 aspects of its improvement, being aware that more than 85 to 90 percent of the mercantile circulation of the territory is defined by this entity, having greater self-management, doing different things, generalizing experiences, studying the markets and achieving a greater sense of belonging.


Progress is Underway

Progress is already being made in this sector. The Casa del Desayuno has opened on the main artery, in the former Día y Noche, with table service and affordable prices: bread with Vicky ham for 100 pesos; with sausage or mortadella for 90 pesos; with hamburger, omelet, spicy picadillo or guava for 60 pesos; soft drinks for ten pesos and coffee for 15 pesos.

Welcome this awakening so that the commerce, gastronomy and services of the Isle of Youth can be «linked» and in what way with the new economic actors for the good of this sector.


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