Telecommuting and Teleworking: Constant Modalities, Not Alternatives

Telecommuting and Teleworking: Constant Modalities, Not Alternatives

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

«Wherever it is possible and achievable, we must go to telecommuting, to teleworking, to the change of work, to work in the offices,» said Politburo member and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz on more than one occasion.


Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, the Minister of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), through her account in X, has repeatedly commented on the need to see telework and telecommuting as constant modalities, and not as an alternative for times of contingencies, as was the Covid-19 pandemic.

Why is it that the management of institutions do not promote these possibilities to the fullest extent? What role do the unions play in this matter, if it is ultimately a question of benefiting the institution and the employee? Why stick to traditional methods?

Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, secretary general of the CTC, has stated that: «To fight for the rights of employees, we must select the most capable person, with recognition and authority, and, after choosing him/her, train him/her in legal, economic and labor matters, only in this way will he/she be able to represent».

It is a reality that the physical presence of the worker is not always synonymous with compliance and, in addition, the economic situation that the country is going through requires the application of these measures regulated since 2013 in Law 116, Labor Code.

Subsequently, Resolution 71 of 2021 provides a regulation on teleworking and telecommuting which determines that the employer, in conjunction with the union define -based on the approved structure and staffing of positions-  the work areas and positions in which these modalities can be used, provided that the nature of the activity allows it, which is included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The Regulation ratifies that those who work through telework and telecommuting «are subject to compliance with the labor and safety legislation in force and are entitled to the same rights and duties of the rest of the workers of the entity or institution in which they work physically and, in particular, it is established that they receive the same payment as the latter, according to the form and system of payment approved in the entity or institution».

So why contribute to the proliferation of criteria such as these:

«Managements, they want you in person, regardless of the difficulties in accessing a means of transportation, and you spend up to 4 hours to get to work and another 4 hours to get home Who can really perform like that?»

«Many managers do not comply with and do not allow these modalities, because in order to feel like bosses they need to count the flock every day. They are not able to organize and control the work properly, they are like many the cause of why the country does not advance».


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