The Economy as a Key Agenda Item

The Economy as a Key Agenda Item

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The organic process of the 22nd Congress underway is based on the very high responsibility of the trade union movement to effectively manage everything that can favor the sustainability and diversification of national production, said Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, member of the Political Bureau and secretary general of the CTC.

Foto: Jorge Luis Sánchez Rivera

In statements to this newspaper, Guilarte De Nacimiento underscored the impact of the intensified U.S. blockade against Cuba, as well as the strengths we have to face it.

In this regard, he mentioned the agricultural sector, «where,» he said, «we do not fully exploit the land. He added that productive capacities, managed with better linkages with non-state management forms, could lead to higher yields.

He also highlighted the possibility of adopting better organizational measures to optimize the use of the potential of our human resources, and that our industrial plant should generate higher levels of exports and import substitution.

«All this with the purpose of increasing the total amount of goods and services, and thus favoring the supply to the people, especially in priority areas such as food, cleaning and the manufacturing industry. This would be a substantive way of helping to fight galloping inflation and reduce speculative prices», he said.

Asked about the fulfillment of the preparatory program in view of the 22nd Congress, Guilarte de Nacimiento stressed that yes, «We have already held more than 40 municipal conferences -he said-, ensuring their quality and the principle of renewal or ratification of mandates in our grassroots structures to consolidate the functioning, leadership and visibility of the organization».


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