LA GUAGUA to the 22nd Congress, From the General to the Particulars

LA GUAGUA to the 22nd Congress, From the General to the Particulars

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

This section La Guagua begins today a tour through each of the paragraphs of the document issued by the National Secretariat of the Workers’ Central Union of Cuba (Spanish: Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, CTC) as a call to the 22nd Congress of the CTC to be discussed in the trade union sections.

To accompany these exchanges and the organic process that will take place throughout this year, we will present some ideas on the contents of the text, one of whose affirmations is that the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba is

forged in the most genuine traditions of struggle and firmly committed to the ideas of our National Hero José Martí, the teachings of the Captain of the Working Class Lázaro Peña González and the thought of our Historical Leader Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

It would be positive in the preparation of the activities to make the appeal known, that ideas of Martí, Lázaro Peña and Fidel are sought and expressed to enrich the interventions in a pleasant way, since a document of this nature cannot include all the elements that show what the Cuban working class has been forged throughout its history.

Nor is it possible for the appeal to express all the contents directly linked to the scenario where each union section develops, but those in charge of organizing and conducting the discussion should investigate and rely on activists who prepare how to adapt the appeal to the specific characteristics of the center and, if possible, of each area or job.

Another affirmation of the Convocation is that the Cuban labor union movement

today faces the great challenges that the improvement of our Social Economic Model of Socialist Development entails.

Of course, it is not enough to read and limit the comments to the fact that great challenges are being faced, since it enriches the debate and the action to be identified and pointed out, but not in a general way, but to be particularized in each specific place and even in a specific time.

In a general way, one can allude to the effects of the economic war against Cuba, and talk about the difficulties it causes to the country, but it is more productive and less boring to talk about how it affects a specific place and from there, discuss ideas that lead to face the situation with own resources and thoughtfully directed efforts.

As for the

improvement of our Socialist Economic Model of Socialist Development

referred to in the appeal, is the opportunity to discuss how to improve it from the trade union action and not to consider that we are a mere support or complement to comply with administrative decisions, but that we are an essential and inseperable part of what we must do to make changes.

In summary: The general objectives that should guide the actions of the union movement are clearly expressed, but it is up to materialize them and for this it is important to know where to go, but how to take each step in the corresponding field depends on the creativity of each level until reaching the base.

Therefore, if it is important to define the general, it is also important to start with that vision, but immediately to gradually deepen more specific aspects.

Acerca del autor

Licenciado en Periodismo y licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, autor de El Foro en Cubahora, jubilado y reincorporado en la Redacción Digital de Trabajadores, donde escribe las secciones LA GUAGUA y EN 500 CARACTERES, fue corresponsal del periódico Vanguardia en tres de las seis regiones de Las Villas, Jefe de Redacción fundador del periódico Escambray, Corresponsal Jefe de la Agencia de Información Nacional (actual ACN) en Sancti Spiritus, colaborador de Radio Progreso, Prensa Latina y Radio Sancti Spíritus; así como Jefe de Información, Subdirector y Director del periódico Vanguardia, donde administró sus foros de discusión.


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© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
Territorial y General Suárez. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana, Cuba. CP: 10698
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