Cuba-Industry Exposition 2014: An Integral View

Cuba-Industry Exposition 2014: An Integral View

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Foto: Agustín Borrego
Photo: Agustín Borrego

The Fisrt Convention and Exposition Cuba Industry 2014 starts to look like the greatest event of this kind in this country for the range of its topics, plurality in participation and the impact and the later repercussion in economy.

As never before, the industrial branch will be represented in this event whose antecedent was Metanica for a decade representing the branches of iron and steel, metal mechanic and recycling.

This event takes place with a better and more integrated view from June 23 to 27 at the conventional Palace and will join, not only the three branches mentioned before, but will also have the participation of specialists from the food, chemistry, light, electric, electronic, sugar and other industries with a substantial impact in the Cuban economy and society.

At the same time, all organisms, enterprises, universities and domestic and foreign investigation centers associated to this branch, as well as cooperatives interested on these topics will participate.

It is considered as the first international scientific and commercial activity after the foundation of the Minister of Industries. This project has the goal to demonstrate the challenges facing today this organism for a sustainable development, where it is right now and the actions undertaking in the current domestic and foreign economic satiations.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Licenciatura en Periodismo, en 1976, en la Universidad de La Habana. Hizo el servicio social en el periódico Victoria, del municipio especial isla de la Juventud, durante dos años.
Desde 1978 labora en el periódico Trabajadores como reportero y atiende, desde 1981 temas relacionados con la industria sideromecánica. Obtuvo premio en el concurso Primero de Mayo en 1999 y en la edición de 2009. Es coautor del libro Madera de Héroes.


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