Cuba Readies to Put into Practice Labor Code

Cuba Readies to Put into Practice Labor Code

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anteproyecto-500x330From this week on and until the end of this semester the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) will carry out activities in view to implement the new Labor Code, its Regulations and complementary legal dispositions or norms in a training and preparation plan for all the leaders in the union movement.

Together with the Minister of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) the first period will start with two national seminars, one of them for the central administration of the State and in the other will participate all the professional leaders of the CTC.

According to Elio Valarino Santiesteban, legal director of the CTC, the seminar will later spread to the provinces and municipalities of Cuba.

In his opinion, the greatest challenge will be with the seminars in the base unions, because the work is quite long and this is the final goal of this code: the workers. This law was passed and en forced since it was officially published in the Official Gazette of the Cuban Republic.

Another thing is the constitution of the organs of labor justice on the base up to inscription phase, which should conclude in October and at the same time, train the groups that will assume this task.

Another task will be the updating of the specific discipline regulations in each branch.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Licenciatura en Periodismo, en 1976, en la Universidad de La Habana. Hizo el servicio social en el periódico Victoria, del municipio especial isla de la Juventud, durante dos años.
Desde 1978 labora en el periódico Trabajadores como reportero y atiende, desde 1981 temas relacionados con la industria sideromecánica. Obtuvo premio en el concurso Primero de Mayo en 1999 y en la edición de 2009. Es coautor del libro Madera de Héroes.


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