‘Todas’ project highlights women’s role in Cuba’s historic memory

‘Todas’ project highlights women’s role in Cuba’s historic memory

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With the premise to dismantle history seen sometimes as a series of male events, written with the quill of patriarchy, images and documents will be brought to life in Havana to highlight women’s role.
‘Todas’. In search of a space, the femenine role is put on the table in the construction of Cuba’s citizenship and serves as a bridge between the past and present, in a context where the establishement of a law on gender violence is being discussed.

The first action of the sociocultural project All, seeks to rescue the historical memory, reflect that constant struggle of each woman to occupy a dignified place in society and influence women’s empowerment, said the leader of the initiative, the filmmaker Marilyn Solaya. Running from Jannuary 30 through March 3 at Palacio del Segundo Cabo, located in this city’s historical center, the exhibit will be curated and coordinated by historian Neida Peñalver Diaz, member of the Ibero-American and African Masculinities Network.

We intend to involve other women, members of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, and artists that will paint the faces of these representatives and the writers that will write about their work, life, and legacy, Solaya said.

In addition, their presence in Havana will be included in the celebration of the International Book Fair and in a conference on women’s empowerment, equality and non-violence, which intends to carry the project to other Cuban territories. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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