Fidel… a death that will never arrive

Fidel… a death that will never arrive

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Foto: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda
Foto: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda

“He who puts down roots in his land… is loved… To him our hearts are open, so he may enter…” José Martí
This Saturday, two years after his death, Fidel returned to the university where he became a revolutionary, to stand beside the youth in whom he always believed.

The political-cultural commemoration on the second anniversary of the Comandante’s physical departure, headed by President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, was only a pretext to fill the University of Havana’s Grand Stairway with thousands – generations who knew him and are committed to continuing his efforts.

Ronal Hidalgo Rivera, second secretary of the Young Communists League, said, “Fidel is today needed and vital. His sure word, his condemnations of the horrors of imperialism, his concern for the planet, and his solidarity with the poor of the earth are banners that will never fall from our hands.”

The event was a tribute in song and verse to a man who “lived without a price,” whose “history will grow,” since “Fidel alive is eternal, Fidel dead does not exist.”

Fidel is a seed that continues to germinate. (Taken from


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