Hostile U.S. rhetoric against Cuba escalates

Hostile U.S. rhetoric against Cuba escalates

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Photo: Juvenal Balán/Granma
Photo: Juvenal Balán/Granma

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) General Director for the United States, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, denounced the increasingly hostile rhetoric being used by Washington with regards to Cuba.

He noted, “Very specifically, the United States intends to defend, by any means, its unilateral policy of economic blockade, which is the object of universal condemnation.”

The U.S. government, he continued, “knows that this conduct is not supported by the U.S. population, or by Cubans residing there.

“Far from dialoguing on the basis of respect, as Cuba has done to promote cooperation, as it does with other countries, the U.S. government resorts to fraudulent accusations and defamatory campaigns,” Fernández stated.

The Minrex official noted that the U.S. government allocates millions of dollars every year “to attack Cuba’s constitutional order, interfere in internal affairs, and finance individuals who act as agents of a foreign power, which is illegal in Cuba, as it is in the United States and other countries.

“Cuba is a country of peace, that conducts foreign relations based on respect and cooperation, that has a long track record of recognized solidarity and friendship, particularly with developing countries,” he said, “It is the U.S. policy toward Cuba that is isolated.”

He recalled that this coming October 31, the UN General Assembly will once again vote for an end to the blockade, “The United Sates government and its State Department should pay attention to this universal demand.” (Taken from


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