19th World Festival Of Youth & Students: Cuba’s contribution to Festival movement recognized

19th World Festival Of Youth & Students: Cuba’s contribution to Festival movement recognized

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Photo: Luis Mario Rodríguez/Granma
Photo: Luis Mario Rodríguez/Granma

The strengthening of relations between Russia and Cuba during the recently concluded 19th World Festival of Youth, and Cuba’s contribution to the Festival movement, were the focus of discussion during a meeting between functionaries at the Russian embassy in Havana and the national leadership of the Young Communists League (UJC), along with a selection of Cuban delegates to the international Festival.

Sucely Morfa González, UJC first secretary, thanked Russian authorities for the support received by the Cuban group in Sochi, the second largest delegation attending, evidence, she said, of the solidarity and brotherhood shared by the two peoples.

Festival delegate and president of the Federation of Secondary School Students, Niuvis García, reported that the Cuban participants were able to share Cuba’s achievements in education, heath, and sports, and explain the damage caused by the blockade, as well as denounce U.S. aggression against Venezuela and other countries during the Anti-imperialist Tribunal.

Yisel Hernández Barrios, delegate from the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine, said he was pleased to be able to interact with new generations of revolutionaries and progressive youth, and feel the affection so many have for Cuba, Fidel, and Che, expressed in so many different languages.

Alejandro Behmaras from Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the event showcased Russia’s ability to attract the world’s progressive youth, despite media campaigns against the country, as well as its organizational ability, hosting more than 20,000 participants.

Serguey Reshchikov, council minister at the Russian embassy in Havana, commented that Cuba plays a special role in the World Youth Festival movement, as an illustrious example of resistance to U.S. hegemony, withstanding the difficult conditions imposed by the blockade for over 50 years. (Taken from en.granma.cu)


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