National Assembly of People’s Power: Commissions discuss the updating of Cuba’s socio-economic model

National Assembly of People’s Power: Commissions discuss the updating of Cuba’s socio-economic model

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Photo: Juvenal Balán
Photo: Juvenal Balán


As part of the consultation process addressing the main issues affecting Cuban society, deputies from different National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP) permanent work commissions will meet today, May 31, to discuss the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development, and the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution for the period 2016-2021.

Also to be presented during the session, taking place at the Havana International Conference Center, is information regarding the foundations for the Social and Economic Development Plan through 2030: Vision of the Nation, Axes, and Strategic Sectors.
These three documents guiding the updating of Cuba’s socio-economic model were submitted to a previous popular debate, during which 47,470 meetings were held, 718,229 comments made, and 1,600,000 Cubans participated.

It will now be the National Assembly’s job to discuss and approve the new documents which feature modifications, eliminations and additional proposals stemming from the popular consultation process. (Taken from


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