Cuba Debates on Rights of People with Disability in Latin America

Cuba Debates on Rights of People with Disability in Latin America

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The 6th Conference of the Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS) is discussing today the rights of these people in the region and the world.

The meeting, taking place at the Conference Center in this capital, aims to promote inclusive policies in the countries of the area, articulating strategic actions between the Network and the governments.

It also focuses on promoting gender equity and policies for the benefit of youth and people in indigenous communities with physical or mental disabilities, organizers say.

Organizations and experts defended yesterday the need for the empowerment of this population group in the world.

Coalition Mexico (COAMEX) representative, Gabriela Martinez, called in her paper to establish strong and comprehensive alliances with the governments.

The empowerment and leadership of men and women in this condition should be promoted, so they can fight for social equality, she said.

RIADIS president, Ana Lucia Arellano, called to pass on the experiences and ideas of this event and make the region an example for the whole world. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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