Raul Castro sends condolences to Kirghizstan for plane crash

Raul Castro sends condolences to Kirghizstan for plane crash

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Cuban President Raul Castro sent a message of condolences to his Kirghiz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev for the victims of a plane crash near the capital city of the Asian country, Bishkek.

On his message, according to diplomatic sources, Raul expressed his deepest condolences to Atambayev and the families of the victims.

A cargo plane belonging to the Turkish ACT Airlines with five crewmembers fell from the sky a mile from Manas airport in Bishkek on a town and destroyed 23 houses, killing 32 inhabitants, and injuring 15, six of them children.

The accident is believed happened due to bad weather, but the causes will be known after experts studied the black boxes that were sent to Moscow. The cargo jet was flying from Hong Kong to Istanbul. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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