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Don Quixote and Us

Tranquility, serenity, repose, calm, peace,… these and other synonyms are related to define tranquility, a concept that we all need more than thanks. That is why in Cuba we usually associate it with that of citizenship, because as a society the ominous causes that oppressed the majority have long since been defeated and conditions have been created and developed so as not to go backwards, although criminal manifestations have remained and have always been confronted with the word or the weight of the law, as the case may be.



But since when has tranquillity eluded us? The answers will vary according to perceptions and experiences, although there will be concordance regarding what many people think and ask in terms of how to recover it: by making a very low impact on the ground that fertilizes delinquency, the loss of values, antisocial behavior and indiscipline.

But that would not be enough, because a safe and peaceful coexistence goes beyond minimizing rates of burglary, robbery, or murder. It has to do with the confidence that one’s voice will be heard and that the competent authorities will act promptly, and with reducing the levels of stress that affect us in various degrees when we use public services or deal with them. It also has to do with disparities in the application and enforcement of norms and laws; with unfair prices and impunity in a commercial network permeated by illegality and corruption.

And I leave this one for last, although I could put it in the foreground, because its appearance and progress is a cancer that can be seen in the simplest activity, such as the paperwork that someone delays while waiting for payment, even in those who turn a blind eye to the presence of a crime, or its most general expression, represented in the abuse of authority by an official.

We would agree if we reasoned that it is impossible to fight alone in the face of so many variants. Not even the mad lucidity of Don Quixote, aided by his devoted squire, could undertake such a task. The crusade for civic tranquility is being waged in multiple scenarios, and the methods and those fighting to save it must also be heterogeneous.

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