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It always wants to arrive with tones of joy, as if it had endured how much we carried 11 months ago, because it has in itself the good vibes to embrace other beginnings, to share a 2025 with our 66 Januaries of triumphs.

When some people celebrate the 12th of the month to commemorate the day of the fight against AIDS, others congratulate the broadcasters, and then the Granma rides the waves as in 1956, so this archipelago tattoos the second day as the day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

One of the greats of science, Carlos J. Finlay, was born this month in Camagüey, on December 3, and in his homage, part of the world celebrates Latin American medicine, without forgetting that he shares a sensitive ovation for people with disabilities.

It is December 5th, the Day of the Construction Worker, 48 hours later Cuba is full of symbolism to commemorate the death in combat of Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo and his aide Panchito Gomez Toro.

Did you know that the 8th is the Day of the Administrators, the 9th Ciro Redondo García, distinguished patriot of Artemisa, is immortalized for his birth, the 10th is for human rights and the 11th is for the mountains?

Culture, sword and shield of the nation, has on the 14th the day of its workers, shortly after on the 17th, the return to Cuba of the Five Heroes, with lessons of nobility to the whole world, and also lives its anniversary of the Federation of University Students, just on the 20th.

In this month, many souls walk between chalk and blackboard through the Day of the Educator, which closes with the glory of a December 22, proclaimed for Cuba as a territory free of illiteracy by 1961.

December smells like winter, and although the tropics turn it upside down, there will be those who return to wear the outfit that covers them the most, with only air below the common climate.

December brings with it the desire for so many celebrations, reunions and also farewells, traces of the 11 months that have passed, strong embraces, new plans, contagious joy and, in Cuba, the «we must see each other before the end of the year», the toast, the bucket of water outside and even the walk around the block with an empty suitcase.

May December straighten our souls a little. What a year this 2024 for Cuba and Cubans!  Yes, we sigh.

«What would I keep?» With the unity that strengthens us, and vice versa; with the solidarity that traveled from one side of the island to the other as we were moved by earthquakes, hurricanes, strong winds and intense storm surges.


I am left with the family that never leaves, even when it is far away, with the kindness of my neighbors, with the light that comes from some corner of the world, with the word of encouragement, with colleagues who do not give up and reinvent themselves, with the image of electricians who are almost closer to heaven than to earth.

I stay with those who believe in a better world, and act accordingly every January, July or December. I stay with Cuba!

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