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Not as high as the host tower at the recent Olympic Games, but the bar of discouragement is so high that it takes effort to jump over it to win a medal in the Cuban work scenario.

Of course, lack of motivation at work is not the rule. Neither is it the exception, because the half-empty stands in the middle of the working day are the fault of many enterprises.

The challenge for Cuba is tremendous, with the need to «hit home runs in the production of goods» and services in the face of difficult national and global adversaries, such as inflation and the economic, commercial and financial blockade to which the United States is subjecting us..

Another is the key to this commentary, after rubbing elbows with the players to share emotions and transfer their concerns to the field of communication.

The most disturbing thing for this journalist is to find unmotivated «competitors» in the field of economy and society. His concerns are related to deformations in the variables of the labor and social climate, issues that have nothing to do with the sweltering summer heat.

A team has a new mentor, but the direction of the action has changed from bad to worse, due to such factors as the dissatisfaction and discouragement of those who remained, due to the exodus of many of their colleagues.

A worker is not complaining about the cruelty of Hurricane Irma in its passage through Ciego de Avila in 2017, but about the many complaints at all levels, because her house was the victim of a total collapse, it was built with green wood and she was not able to process an end to coexistence with the termites.

The incident attributed to a colleague was malicious. Two years ago, he published a critical work about an industry with millionaire economic losses, which resulted in a state of harassment with consequences to this day, mixing it with a litigation case he won in the Supreme People’s Court.

Now «climbing to the podium» of the Olympic post-season labor position should be enjoyed without labor discouragement to continue to snatch medals from the workers.


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Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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