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The Way is Open When the Union Works

When we arranged the interview with Pabel Cruz de la Torre, we agreed that it was not necessary for him to be prepared with figures to demonstrate the union performance of his work center, since it was clear that he had won the Labor Prowess Flag.

As for the numbers, he only used one, which was at the beginning of the talk, to refer to the fact that up to 16 hours were often dedicated to the work, given the urgency that more than half of the city of Santa Clara depended on their work to receive water..

Not only were 65 percent of Santa Clara’s residents without the precious liquid, but for weeks they had to rely on tanker trucks or other alternatives whose harshness is well known to those who carry heavy buckets for long distances.

The members of the trade union section of the CEDAI Villa Clara base union were made aware of the situation of those who had to walk several blocks to reach the apartments on the fourth or fifth floor..

The country had already invested in a pumping station, but there was a difficulty, the existence of which some people still deny out of ignorance or bad intentions: the blockade, which prevented the entry of the electrical part.

Thanks to the fact that most of the workers are graduates of the Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, the economic siege was broken with the knowledge acquired in the center of high studies, since they recovered old equipment that, if it had been possible to purchase it, would have cost between 140,000 euros.

Pabel speaks of the good relations between union leadership and management, who do not have to be enemies with each other or have conflicting goals to represent workers who are well taken care of.

The CEDAI union leader says they have had funds to invest in repairing and building workers’ housing, and have established links with agricultural units where they cooperatively purchase products to offer to their members.

By selling at more affordable prices, he explains, it helps to make wages more profitable, which, along with profits, makes life more bearable for workers and their families.

It also speaks of the good communication of the union leadership with the members and with the other organizations of the center, which has helped them to make better decisions, all of which are consulted.

The conversation turns to the subject of meetings, which some people describe as boring, unnecessary, and useless, but Pabel has a completely different opinion, seeing them as working tools that, when used well, have allowed UEB to achieve its goals.

The way was clear for them to work long days, because it was not a whimsical goal, but the goal of providing water to 65% of the population of the provincial capital, Villa Clara, as soon as possible.

With union sections functioning in this way, the road to labor power is clear.

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