Preparing to Defend the Worker

Preparing to Defend the Worker

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Matanzas.-  There will be no food sovereignty without a full understanding of the collective responsibility in a strategic matter for a country that spends an enormous amount of money to import items that sustain the standard family basket.

How can such a burden on the State be eased from the local level? One way is through trade union influence so that everyone assumes their part in contracting, sowing, control, monitoring of the final destination of the harvested crop and the agreed prices, said Yosleidys Noriega Baró, delegate for Agriculture to the Municipal Conference in Perico within the organic process to the 22nd Congress of the CTC.

In this sense, much is decided by the directors and personnel of the Agroindustrial Company affected by fuel shortages, but in constant search of initiatives to bring the results closer to their true potential, explained its director Osvaldo Rodriguez.

The performance of the 19 labor collectives has contributed to this, and now «people are fighting to comply, because where there is no training, there is no pay», and the best proof of this is that they share profits and raised wages with Decree 87.

In a territory in default of two of its 10 physical productions, with some delay in spring planting and in need of increasing and diversifying its livestock modules, it is necessary, several voices advocated, to demand from the administrations the request for land to create self-supplies, alternatives that, among other benefits, improve the offer in workers’ canteens, an alternative that today only 10 of the 63 entities take advantage of.

«Thanks to our plantain crop, we sell to the workers and we also add it to different dishes,» illustrated Enrique Betancourt, who heads the union at the old people’s home, where they also combat illnesses with 14 medicinal plants.

If there is a facility at the forefront of food production, it is the Indio Hatuey Pasture and Forage Experimental Station, not only with advice, but at the same time setting an example with the promotion of agro-ecological potatoes, extended almost throughout the country, and «we are ready to plant 10 hectares of rice», announced the secretary general of the union bureau, Jorge Reino Molina.

If producing is vital, so is preserving, especially in Perico, marked by the theft and slaughter of cattle and robbery in warehouses, which speaks of failures in the workers’ guard, said Osmar Ramirez, secretary general of the CTC in Matanzas province. «A process against crime will soon begin in the 13 municipalities. It is about wiping out conditions that favor it and saving the man,» he said.

No task will be successful if we stop working, warned Neala Santana Betancourt, head of the CTC‘s Organization Department. «It is up to us to convince, commit and foresee so that there are results, something only possible from the organic, and by training the new leaders,» she stressed.

After recognizing the work of Lineidys Borges, the outgoing general secretary, it was announced the election of the young Arelys Sarmiento Dueñas, who will lead the new Municipal Committee of the CTC in Perico, «in which we trust to continue developing the territory,» said Carlos Clemente, first secretary of the party.


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