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We Have Dedicated the World Proletarian Celebration to the Heroism of the Working People (+Video)

Speech by Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento on May Day Celebration, Anti-imperialist Tribune “José Martí” in Havana, 2024

Comrade Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, Leader of the Cuban Revolution.

Comrade Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic.

Comrades in struggle, trade unionists, solidarity groups.

Dear workers,

From this Anti-imperialist Tribune «José Martí», square of historic rallies and marches of the fighting people, we celebrate the International Workers’ Day presided over by the slogan «For Cuba, together we create».

At this hour, millions of Cubans throughout the entire national geography demonstrate once again, in combative and colorful mobilizations, that we remain firm and united around our glorious socialist revolution, defending its ideals of independence, sovereignty and social justice.


The current socioeconomic context of the country is complex and adverse. The intensification of the U.S. policy of maximum asphyxiation of our people, as well as our internal shortcomings, make up this scenario.

This has a negative impact on consumption levels, food and medicine shortages and the loss of purchasing power of salaries and pensions.

In addition, it limits access to inputs and raw materials destined for our industrial plant, puts pressure on banking institutions and companies around the world interested in trade and foreign investment in Cuba.

All these problems derived from the intensified blockade constantly affect our workers in their family life, but also in the fulfillment of their work in the fields of production, education, health, science and agriculture. There is not a single sector of the country free from these effects.

In the face of these challenging circumstances, we have dedicated the feast of the world proletariat to the heroism of the working people, who are concentrating their efforts on economic recovery as the main battle.

In its implementation, the contribution of workers in maximizing the use of the working day and the existing productive capacities is decisive. To increase the lines linked to exports and food production, which are of strategic importance in the current situation.

There are good experiences in all the territories of the country that show that it is possible, that it is possible to achieve productive efficiency overcoming the limitations of material and financial resources. This requires responsibility, rigor, a sense of belonging for what is being done, developing the maximum capacity for innovation and creativity, which allows us to face every obstacle that arises along the way.

At the heart of these good experiences are the men and women who make them possible, who show us that human capital is the most secure and solid resource we have today, and we are not allowed to waste it.

Under these assumptions we have to work to strengthen the socialist state enterprise, and thus ensure the growth of the supply of goods and services to reduce prices, as well as to consolidate the necessary investment efficiency.

All this in a constant process of linkage with the non-state sector of the economy, which demands greater attention and protection of the rights of its workers.

We assume this urgent challenge in the midst of the implementation of the Government’s Projections to Correct Distortions and Re-launch the Economy in the year 2024, which coincides with the organic process towards the 22nd Congress of the CTC.

Cuban workers, in the conviction that we are the owners of the fundamental means of production, must go to an ever greater control and supervision of the resources at our disposal, as well as maintain a relentless fight against corruption, indiscipline and illegalities.

Fellow countrymen

On this occasion, International Workers’ Day coincides with the greatest crime committed against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government with the complicity of the United States. Cuba and its people do not remain indifferent to these grave violations of international law. Cuban workers condemn the indiscriminate attacks that have taken the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Along with this claim, we will hold high the banners of solidarity with the trade union movement. At the same time, we ratify to the international community that it will always be able to count on Cuba’s permanent battle against injustice, inequality and the establishment of a more just and equitable international order.

Fellow Members:

The more complex the circumstances, the stronger must be the Unity, which has brought us this far and has allowed us to overcome the most pressing challenges, which, as the General of the Army said on the 65th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution, is the strategic weapon of the Revolution.

United we will win and we will go forward.

Long live International Workers’ Day

Long live Fidel and Raúl forever

Long live the Cuban workers

Until Victory


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