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LA GUAGUA: Response to Anti-May Day Verbiage

The route of this Guagua is dedicated to transporting digital comments of people that we will not qualify with unnecessary adjectives, because their own expressions, clearly denote what they are.

We bring on board the verbiage they wrote in its entirety, although we will make corrections in spelling and punctuation so that what they say can be more easily understood.

Without changing anything else, make a precise answer for each of the expressions.

uandelapgarcia says:


Yes, enthusiasm, something that cannot be felt by those who, May Day after May Day, have seen the overwhelming participation of workers and their families, as well as peasants and the non-state sector.

Who does not know that everyone who participates is forced to do so?

This statement is an offense to the vast majority of Cubans, both those living in Cuba and those living permanently or temporarily in other countries, because there is no force in the world capable of overcoming the rebelliousness of those born on this island to force them to attend a massive parade or rally on May Day if they do not want to go voluntarily.

Whether blackmailed at the university with the loss of studies

If any lie is unnecessary to deny it is this one, because the truth is there for everyone to see in this country where every family has a university student, or has a neighbor who is a university student, or a friend or acquaintance who does not even have to be asked if they were blackmailed or not to know the truth.

Or being fired from workplaces with some chance of solving something for home,

This is another falsehood that is not worth wasting time in denying, and without intending to do so, we will comment that there is a challenge in many labor centers and that is to complete their workforces, for which job fairs are held in the municipalities and the modalities of efforts to attract labor force are becoming more and more visible.

But it is true that the communists fall for lies among themselves,

The truth is that communists are the target of lies from powerful, well-prepared and well-resourced devices.

However, out of courtesy to the adversary: we warn them so that it does not happen that from so much telling lies, and so much pretending and trying so hard to make them look like truths, they themselves come to believe them and one day they are mistaken and think that the Revolution has no support.

It would be useful for them to review already declassified secret documents such as the memorandum of the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Lester Mallory, who in the 60’s of the last century considered that because there was massive support for the Cuban Revolution, other resources such as the blockade should be applied to destroy it.

Let the independent press do a survey to see the reality,

That independent press to which juandelapgarcia alludes dedicates a good part of its time and space precisely to launching a barrage of messages full of content such as those we are breaking down aboard this Guagua.

If they do the survey, there is evidence that the figures of support for the Revolution will be presented as those of the counterrevolutionaries, since they have already done so, and in other outings of the Guagua we could bring those examples.

In Cuba everything is a lie, most of these people are policemen dressed in civilian clothes so that if someone protests they can say THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES HAVE MADE JUSTICE,

Unfortunately, in Cuba there are lies like these to which today we give space in this Guagua, and before them we must take precautions, because in this media scenario it can be fatal to underestimate these aggressions.

The Cuban people demonstrated that if they want to protest, neither the brutality of the repressive bodies existing before 1959 could prevent them from doing so, nor the Spanish colonial forces, nor any of the governments in power imposed by the United States could prevent the people from seeking justice.

If we look across the country at the thousands, thousands, thousands of people celebrating May Day, and apply the most elementary of arithmetic, what will be the answer if we ask ourselves how many plainclothes policemen are needed to force those who participated.


As for giving that chance, the most illustrious aggressor has launched his verbiage without first having prepared himself well, since he did not even take a few minutes to find out who encouraged massive departures such as those of Camarioca or Mariel, which were opened and closed when Cuba decided to do so.

We do not doubt that he knows it, but he used those elements in a very crude way with lies that are easy to discover, since both those who have already left the country and their relatives and friends know that the United States imposes obstacles to legal, orderly and safe emigration, which Cuba has been promoting to a greater extent each time the conditions have been appropriate to apply them without the governments of the northern country being able to reverse them.


We said in previous paragraphs that the illustrious juandelapgarcia launched his verbiage, but we clarify that it is not just any verbiage, but the Verbiage of Powerlessnes, that which he wrote in capital letters and that constitute an offense to the intelligence of a cultured and educated community such as the Cuban one.

Even within the power structures of the United States there are those who have publicly admitted that the departures from Cuba to that country are not for political reasons, much less fleeing from a dictatorship, which in the end is so «dictatorial» that as soon as they can, they return to their homeland to visit relatives and vacation without anyone bothering them, quite the opposite.


An evident proof that this is a verbiage of powerlessness is to qualify Cuba as a failed state, and to argue it (although in this case he did not do it) they use the daily difficulties, many of which are caused under the guide traced by that Assistant Secretary of State of the United States in the decade of the 60’s of the last century.

In summary: La Guagua thanks juandelapgarcia for his digital comment that has given the opportunity to express some ideas that in other trips we will continue to address.

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