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Call for May Day

The Central de Trabajadores de Cuba and its national unions call for a day of mobilization to celebrate International Workers’ Day, in the year in which we carry out the organic process of the 22nd Congress of the CTCCentral de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC)The CTC (Workers' Central Union of Cuba) was founded on January 28, 1939 by Lázaro Peña under the name Confederación de Trabajadores de Cuba (Confederation of Cuban Workers), presided over by the slogan «For Cuba together we create».

We will celebrate this May Day involved in the efforts for the economic recovery of the country, which today is the fundamental task, in which as part of the broad participation of our people, each labor group discussed and continues with the implementation of the Government’s Projections to correct distortions and boost the economy during the year 2024.

The Revolution assumes this complex, urgent and decisive challenge as it has always done, with the conviction that the conscious support, the contribution of every compatriot, and especially of the workers, is decisive to materialize it and to advance in the strategic development programs that we have proposed, in the satisfaction of the needs of the people and in the improvement of working conditions and salaries.

The current context of economic siege requires us to promote creativity in each sector and job position, to maximize productive reserves, especially in areas related to exports that represent income in freely convertible currency, as well as to strengthen the Socialist State Enterprise and its linkage with new economic players, the only way to create more goods and offer efficient services. On this path, food production is vital for self-sufficiency to the greatest extent possible and to reduce the very costly import bill.

At the same time, we demand an energetic and effective fight against abusive and speculative prices, which directly reduce the purchasing power of wages and pensions. But at the same time, we are aware that the essential factor to achieve this is to raise production and labor productivity.

During this day there will be a tribute to the legacy of union leaders such as Lázaro Peña, Jesús Menéndez, Aracelio Iglesias, Armando Mestre, and Alfredo López, in addition to this year’s commemorations of the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, the 171st anniversary of the birth of José MartíJosé MartíCuban National Hero also known as the Apostle of Independence and the 85th anniversary of the founding of the CTCCentral de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC)The CTC (Workers' Central Union of Cuba) was founded on January 28, 1939 by Lázaro Peña under the name Confederación de Trabajadores de Cuba (Confederation of Cuban Workers).

International Workers’ Day coincides on this occasion with the greatest crime ever committed against a nation: the genocide of the people of Palestine by the Zionist government of Israel with the complicity of the United States. Workers have raised their strong condemnation of the indiscriminate bombings that have taken the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians, mostly women and children, and demanded to ensure their access to humanitarian aid.

Along with this demand, we will hold high the banners of solidarity with the international trade union movement and workers around the world who live in conditions of exploitation and discrimination, as a result of the multidimensional crisis of the capitalist system and its neoliberal policies.

We invite friends and trade unionists of the world to join us in the activities for the International Workers’ Day, and in particular in the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba.

Fellow countrymen:

We call for the organization of combative and colorful rallies in squares, towns and workplaces, as a reflection of our unity, the greatest strength of the Revolution. It will be an occasion to demand, once again, the elimination of the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on our homeland by the US government, and the absurd inclusion of Cuba in the spurious list that it draws up, unilaterally and arrogantly, of alleged countries sponsoring terrorism.

We will celebrate the feast of the world proletariat, aware that the challenges are huge, but at the same time convinced and ready to face them with the same firmness as always, and with the invariable determination to continue advancing in our dreams of equity and social justice, certain that victory will be ours.

Long live May Day!

Long live the Revolution!

Long live Fidel and Raúl!

To victory always!

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