Investments in Cuban resort will increase water saving

Investments in Cuban resort will increase water saving

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The ‘Aguas Varadero’ Aqueduct and Sewerage Company is executing investments in the eponymous resort, which will expand the saving and reuse of water and its safe supply.
The solid waste treatment plant being built will have a depuration capacity of 25 liters per second, and its construction will favor the new Oasis hotel complex, which will have more than 1,100 rooms, and is being built at the entrance to the beach town.

The director of Investments of the aforementioned entity, Osvaldo Perez, told the TV-Yumuri local television station that the works will allow reusing the water, since the current facility only has the option of secondary treatment.

These plants guarantee an efficient use of water and avoid environmental contamination, and the one under construction is the sixth of its kind in Varadero.

‘Aguas Varadero’ guarantees the service of sewerage, pluvial drainage and drinking water supply for the new construction objects that will make up the boulevard that runs between the town’s 62nd and 64th streets, Perez added.

Two tanks with a volume of 10,000 cubic meters of drinking water each are also being built, and the project also includes a technological building with five pumps, explained Antonio Chil, works supervisor.

In addition, the construction of a bank of emergency generators and electrical panels, which began in May 2019, is slated to end in October of this year. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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